Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment TWiki > TWikiVariables > TWikiVariablesSearch > SystemInformationVariables Daya Bay webs:
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TWiki Variables » Search » Category: System Information

Variables in this category:

BASETOPIC -- base topic where an INCLUDE started

BASEWEB -- base web where an INCLUDE started

CONTENTMODE{web="WEB"} -- content mode

DATE -- signature format date

DISPLAYTIME -- display date and time

DISPLAYTIME{"format"} -- formatted display time

ENV{"varname"} -- inspect the value of an environment variable

FAILEDPLUGINS -- debugging for plugins that failed to load, and handler list

HOMETOPIC -- home topic in each web

HTTP -- get HTTP headers

HTTP_HOST -- environment variable

HTTPS -- get HTTPS headers

INCLUDINGTOPIC -- name of topic that includes current topic

INCLUDINGWEB -- web that includes current topic

LANGUAGE -- current user's language

LANGUAGES -- list available TWiki languages

LOCALSITEPREFS -- web.topicname of site preferences topic

MAINWEB -- synonym for USERSWEB

MDREPO -- retrieve data from metadata repository

META -- displays meta-data

METASEARCH -- special search of meta data

NOTIFYTOPIC -- name of the notify topic

PARENTTOPIC -- parent of current topic

PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS -- list of plugin descriptions

PLUGINVERSION -- the version of a TWiki Plugin, or the TWiki Plugins API

PUBURL -- the base URL of attachments

PUBURLPATH -- the base URL path of attachments

QUERYPARAMS -- show paramaters to the query

QUERYSTRING -- full, unprocessed string of parameters to this URL

REMOTE_ADDR -- environment variable

REMOTE_PORT -- environment variable

REMOTE_USER -- environment variable

REVINFO -- revision information of current topic

REVINFO{"format"} -- formatted revision information of topic

SCRIPTNAME -- name of current script

SCRIPTSUFFIX -- script suffix

SCRIPTURL -- base URL of TWiki scripts

SCRIPTURL{"script"} -- URL of TWiki script

SCRIPTURLPATH -- base URL path of TWiki scripts

SCRIPTURLPATH{"script"} -- URL path of TWiki script

SERVERTIME -- server time

SERVERTIME{"format"} -- formatted server time

SESSIONID -- unique ID for this session

SESSIONVAR -- name of CGI and session variable that stores the session ID

SESSION_VARIABLE -- get, set or clear a session variable

SITENAME -- the current site name

SITESTATISTICSTOPIC -- name of site statistics topic

STATISTICSTOPIC -- name of statistics topic

SYSTEMWEB -- name of TWiki documentation web

TOPIC -- name of current topic

TOPICLIST{"format"} -- topic index of a web

TOPICTITLE -- title of a topic

TOPICURL -- shortcut to viewing the current topic


URLPARAM{"name"} -- get value of a URL parameter

USERINFO{"name"} -- retrieve details about a user

USERNAME -- your login username

USERSWEB -- name of users web

VAR{"NAME" ...} -- get a preference value from another web or topic and more

WEB -- name of current web

WEBLIST{"format"} -- index of all webs

WEBPREFSTOPIC -- name of web preferences topic

WIKIHOMEURL -- site home URL

WIKILOGOALT -- site logo tooltip message

WIKILOGOIMG -- site logo image URL

WIKILOGOURL -- site logo home URL

WIKINAME -- your Wiki username

WIKIPREFSTOPIC -- name of site-wide preferences topic

WIKITOOLNAME -- name of your TWiki site

WIKIUSERNAME -- your Wiki username with web prefix

WIKIUSERSTOPIC -- name of topic listing all registers users

WIKIVERSION -- the version of the installed TWiki engine

Total: 72 variables

Categories: Administration, Applications & Components, Attachments & Files, Charting & Drawing, Database & Forms, Date & Time, Development, Editing & Content Update, Email & Notification, Export & Publishing, Formatting & Rendering, Import, Linking & Navigation, Searching & Listing, Security & Access Control, Skins & Templates, System Information, Tables & Spreadsheets, UI& Visualization, Users & Authentication, Workflow & Automation

Related Topics: TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesSearch, TWikiVariablesQuickStart

Revision: r1 - 2012-11-11 - 17:07:03 - TWikiContributor
Parents: WebHome > TWikiVariables > TWikiVariablesSearch

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