Version 1 (modified by thho, 15 years ago)


This page contains IAV measurement raw data.

Optical Property

Sample and Data File Convention

An acrylic sample convention is composed of 4 digits.


Each raw data file is composed of 6 digits. The first digit indicate the type of measurement. The following 4 digits indicate which acrylic sample is adopted. The last digit indicates the number of measurement.


A typical convention of raw data look like:


This means it's the fifth transmission measurement of the sample used for barrel of some IAV, and it's one piece of a panel ( called number 2) of batch 3.

Label Description
B The acrylic sample is used for the barrel of IAV
L The acrylic sample is used for the lids of IAV
R The acrylic sample is used for the ribs and flanges of IAV
O The acrylic sample is not used for the above parts of IAV

Nakano uses the same acrylic panels for the ribs and flanges of IAV#1 and IAV#2. If not specified, the label "R" means the acrylic sample is used for both the ribs and flanges of IAV.

Measurement Type Description Details
T Total transmission
R Total reflection
D Diffuse reflection
N Index of refraction
A Absorption length
O Other kinds of measurement not mentioned above