<strike>deleted text</strike>
to get <literal>..</literal>
tags around blocks of HTML to avoid accidental interpretation of TWiki shorthand within the HTML.
and </body>
<p />
paragraph tags on empty lines, which causes problems if done between HTML tags that do not allow paragraph tags, like for example between table tags.
- of a HTML tag are on the same line, or the tag will be broken.
JavaScript Example: | CSS Example: |
<!-- <pre> --> <script language="javascript"> <!-- // put your JavaScript code here //--> </script> <!-- </pre> --> |
<!-- <pre> --> <style type="text/css"> /* put your CSS code here */ </style> <!-- </pre> --> |
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Ideas, requests, problems regarding Daya Bay? Send feedback Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.UsingHTML. |