[Print version]
skin below: stripped down headers and footers suitable for clean hard copy
link in the toolbar at the top or bottom left of every page. An editing window appears. Type away as in any text editor. Use the Edit help links to get pop-up window help. [Save]
to save your changes.
web, so that's all you need to type on any topic in this web. But to link to TWikiTopics from a topic in the Public
web, you have to type TWiki.TWikiTopics
, e.g. Webname.TopicName
. It's easy.
- pops a new screen for FileAttachments
[Print version]
- shows a stripped down version of the topic without headers and footers suitable for clean hard copy
- generates a page showing every change made to the current topic, with names, dates, and changes made (diffs)
[r3] > [r2] > [r1]
- view most recent revision and changes
- displays all the TWiki topics with links to the current topic
[Raw view]
- displays the source text of the topic
[Raw edit]
- allows you to edit the source text of the topic using TWikiShorthand
[More topic actions]
- opens up a new screen containing additional controls
an edit or (using revision control) go Back whenever you like.
[More topic actions]
on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and access permissions.
[More topic actions] > [Rename/move]
to delete) from the pull-down menu (otherwise, leave on the current web)
to rename and/or move the topic, as well as fixing topics containing backlinks to the renamed topic. [Rename/mov]=
link in topic commands. If you would like to revert to an earlier version, just click on the [More topic actions]
link, at "Restore topic", enter the version number you would like to revert to and click [Restore]
. You get to another edit window, where you can verify (and maybe modify) the required version before saving it.
If you just want to reclaim part of an earlier version, copy from the old topic revision to the current topic revision. This is a step by step set of instructions:
view, take note of what version of the topic you want to reclaim and then return to [View topic]
[More topic actions]
in the topic commands.
[Raw Edit]
from the topic commands.
the topic.
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