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TWiki Release 4.1.2 (Edinburgh), 2007-03-03

Note: This is the release note for the previous major release version 4.1.X. This note and the TWikiReleaseNotes04x00 are included with 4.2.X because they contain valuable information for people upgrading from earlier versions. Both for the admin and the users. See TWikiReleaseNotes04x02 for the 4.2.X release notes

On this page:


TWiki Release 4.1.0 is a minor release. TWiki releases are either major (major new features and changes in architecture), minor (enhancements and bug fixes), or patch releases (bug fixes only) which can be installed as upgrades on production installations.

TWiki Release 4.1.0 introduces some good enhancements and quite many bug fixes since 4.0.5. It requires some manual work to upgrade from TWiki 4.0.5 to 4.1.0. Depending on the tailoring you have made it may take between 10 minutes to two hours to do an upgrade. If you have not made any changes to the skins the upgrade is for sure an effort that takes less than 30 minutes.

The development team has done everything to maintain full compatibility with topics generated in TWiki-4.0 and there are no changes to the topic format.

TWiki 4.1.1 addresses a series of bugs found in the first 4 weeks after the release of TWiki 4.1.0.

New Features Highlights

Supported User Interface Languages

The user interface of this TWiki version is localized to 14 languages:

English (default), Chinese simplified (zh-cn), Chinese traditional (zh-tw), Czechoslovakian (cs), Danish (da), Dutch (nl), German (de), French (fr), Italian (it), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Russian (ru), Slovakian (sv), Spanish (es).

Note: TWiki needs to be configured properly to display user interface languages other than the default English language. Details in TWiki:TWiki.InstallationWithI18N and TWiki:TWiki.InternationalizationSupplement.

Important Changes since 4.0.5

Supported Perl version

TWiki 4.0.5 worked on Perl version 5.6.X. Reports from users has shown that unfortunately TWiki 4.1.0 does not support Perl versions older then 5.8.0. It is the goal that TWiki should work on at least Perl version 5.6.X but none of the developers have had access to Perl installations older than 5.8.0.

Since TWiki 4.1.0 has some urgent bugs the development team decided to release TWiki 4.1.1 without resolving the issue with Perl 5.6.X. We will however address this and try and resolve it for a planned 4.1.2 release. The TWiki community is very interested in contributions from users that have fixes for the code which will enable TWiki to run on older versions of Perl.

See the WhatVersionsOfPerlAreSupported External link mark topic to keep up to date with the discussion how to get back support for earlier Perl versions.

Template spec changed

Until TWiki 4.0.5 TWikiTemplates the text inside template definition blocks (anything between %TMPL:DEF{"block"}% and %TMPL:END% was stripped of leading and trailing white space incl new lines.

This caused a lot of problems for skin developers when you wanted a newline before or after the block text.

From TWiki 4.1.0 this has changed so that white space is no longer stripped. Skins like PatternSkin and NatSkin have been updated so that they work with the new behavior. But if you use an older skin or have written your own you will most likely need to make some adjustments.

It is not difficult. The general rule is - if you get mysterious blank lines in your skin, the newline after the %TMPL:DEF{"block"}% needs to be removed. Ie. the content of the block must follow on the same line as the TMPL:DEF.

The spec change have the same impact on CommentPlugin templates where you may have to remove the first line break after the TMPL:DEF. See the CommentPluginTemplate for examples of how comment template definitions should look like in TWiki-4.1.X

An example: A CommentPlugin template that adds a comment as appending a row to a table. Before the spec change this would work.

|%URLPARAM{"comment"}%| -- %WIKIUSERNAME% - %DATE% |

From Twiki 4.1.0 the old template definition will add an empty line before the new table row. To fix it simply remove the new line before the table.

%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:tabletest}%%POS:BEFORE%|%URLPARAM{"comment"}%| -- %WIKIUSERNAME% - %DATE% |

The advantage of the spec change is that now you can add leading and trailing white space including new lines. This was not possible before.

Important Changes since 4.1.0

An upgrader should note the following important changes.

Important Changes since 4.1.1

TWiki works again on Perl 5.6.X

TWiki has now been tested and a few small code changes made so that TWiki now runs on Perl 5.6.X

TWiki 4.1.2 has been confirmed working on the combination RedHat 7.3, Apache 1.3.23, Perl 5.6.1. Note that many plugins requires Perl 5.8 or at least additional CPAN libraries.

An upgrader should note the following important changes.

Deprecation Notices

Bug Fix Highlights

The full list of bug fixes can be seen below

TWiki 4.1.0 Minor Release - Details

The 4.1.0 release was built from SVN revision 12567.

TWiki 4.1.0 Fixes

Item3442 External link mark PatternSkin: Make file upload input field larger
Item3430 External link mark Email addresses not always padded and encoded.
Item3422 External link mark Bulk registation data fails validation
Item3418 External link mark Make it more obvious how to enable ASSERTS
Item3416 External link mark Bad pod =end causes TWiki::Compatibility to fail hard
Item3415 External link mark mailnotify does not send notifications to intranet users
Item3412 External link mark Default and classic skins have oops template errors
Item3409 External link mark Do not refer to non-default plugins in the documentation
Item3408 External link mark Sidebar weblist needs wordwrap turned off
Item3407 External link mark Usability: Remove PLEASENOSPAM spam padding in registration confirmation screen
Item3405 External link mark Minor stylistic improvement in TWiki.TWikiTemplates
Item3402 External link mark Form select/checkbox/radio values containing "Name" not displayed
Item3401 External link mark Base tag refers to topic view, irrespective of what the current base url actually is
Item3399 External link mark Template system recursion prevention too agressive, prevents skin specialisation, or mixins
Item3397 External link mark Enhance documentation of impact of including text on plugin handlers
Item3395 External link mark Typo in TWiki.TWikiEditingShorthand
Item3394 External link mark Remove UpgradeTwiki script, or put prominent warning on issues
Item3392 External link mark TipsContrib: Performance improvement
Item3384 External link mark Search with zeroresults="on" does not search all webs
Item3383 External link mark Quotes in FormattedSearch not escaped
Item3381 External link mark For admins, a SEARCH all webs does not ignore the NOSEARCHALL flag
Item3378 External link mark Default templates cause invalid HTML
Item3364 External link mark Force-update of Main web statistics updates all webs
Item3359 External link mark Adding .ico to mime.types file
Item3357 External link mark Remove obsolete user settings from TWiki.NewUserTemplate
Item3356 External link mark Incorrect color sequence in list of similar topics
Item3353 External link mark PatternSkin: updating attachment properties produces an "undefined value in split" warning in TWiki::mapToIconFileName
Item3320 External link mark UserForm does not have Attribute column
Item3318 External link mark SpreadSheetPlugin: Remove spurious newline appended to result
Item3315 External link mark Security: Make topic="" parameter aware of {AllowRedirectUrl} configure flag
Item3312 External link mark Attachment table cannot be overridden in view template
Item3310 External link mark Support web.topics in redirectto parameter
Item3309 External link mark CommentPlugin: Crash when invoked with an empty comment_index when used with TemplateLogin
Item3308 External link mark CommentPlugin: Updating with redirectto using web.topic instead of URL
Item3307 External link mark Make display of current TWiki version in configure more prominent
Item3304 External link mark EditTablePlugin doc fixes for 4.1
Item3302 External link mark PatternSkin: Search result count "Number of topics:" only shows results from last listed web
Item3300 External link mark CommentPlugin: Resolve uninitialized values
Item3296 External link mark TWikiTip013 has reference to outdated user preferences variables
Item3293 External link mark PatternSkin: Double space in pattern breadcrumb
Item3290 External link mark The topic creator in Sandbox.WebHome allows to "create" existing topics
Item3280 External link mark File permissions should be more universally applicable.
Item3278 External link mark WebTopicCreator missing in Main web
Item3275 External link mark More robust authentication denial when redirected after failed authentication
Item3274 External link mark PatternSkin: Left Bar should not show logout when using ApacheLogin
Item3272 External link mark Template view.*.classic.tmpl not used
Item3269 External link mark PatternSkin: Formtable headers not clickable
Item3268 External link mark TablePlugin: Sorting non-existing column numbers causes major problems
Item3266 External link mark Configure installer should be aware of proxy settings
Item3264 External link mark PatternSkin: Fixes to view topic action links
Item3263 External link mark PatternSkin: oopsleaseconflict.pattern.tmpl out of sync with oopsleaseconflict.tmpl
Item3261 External link mark Literal search on all webs does not work
Item3260 External link mark PatternSkin: Javascript bug with quote in translation text
Item3259 External link mark Logging of saving a topic within the same revision timeout is confusing
Item3258 External link mark Add note to TWiki.TWikiSkins that the viewprint template is subject to change in next release
Item3240 External link mark Documentation change from "statii" to "statuses"
Item3237 External link mark WebTopicCreator Javascript bugs
Item3224 External link mark Split Kupu editor out of WysiwygPlugin
Item3214 External link mark space in WikiName in UnprocessedRegistrations results in bad .htpasswd entry
Item3210 External link mark mp4 filetype erroneously linked to sound ICON
Item3207 External link mark SEARCH on META:TOPICPARENT not documented
Item3201 External link mark Remove exclamation mark from welcoming "Hello XXX!"
Item3200 External link mark TablePlugin: Support for initsort of multiple tables in same topic
Item3199 External link mark TipsContrib: Maintenance for TWiki 4.1
Item3193 External link mark TablePlugin: Table colors shifted by one
Item3192 External link mark Document limitations on registered tags
Item3187 External link mark Document how to get plugin settings into and from configure
Item3167 External link mark TWiki.TWikiSkins documentation and templates don't match with respect to printing
Item3165 External link mark PatternSkin: Using incorrect template names in include
Item3163 External link mark I18N: Strip uploaded filenames for 8-bit characters (Allow only US-ASCII)
Item3161 External link mark Usability: Attachment table default sort order
Item3158 External link mark Don't include anything when trying to include a non existing section
Item3153 External link mark INSTALL.html need to document new configure features
Item3146 External link mark Turn off {AutoAttachPubFiles} in default distribution
Item3145 External link mark Rename topic does not find links for a word in all caps
Item3143 External link mark MailerContrib: Syntax error in mailnotify template
Item3142 External link mark Documentation in code for TWiki::Func::getScriptUrl incorrect
Item3140 External link mark Cannot turn on or off plugins on a per-web basis
Item3130 External link mark edit url parameters not properly passed through change form screen and checkpoint
Item3129 External link mark Documentation of pattern parameter to %INCLUDE% incomprehensible
Item3123 External link mark New litteral option for %INCLUDE% (was: including external web page creates unwanted list items)
Item3122 External link mark RcsLite error when saving revision from text
Item3119 External link mark Remove edit.iejs.tmpl
Item3093 External link mark Spurious ?-xism: in LocalSite.cfg
Item3091 External link mark Attachment changes create bad log entries
Item3089 External link mark Statistics creates lots of "bad log line... " errors
Item3075 External link mark Document deprecation of settings in forms
Item3073 External link mark Document local settings in TWiki.TWikiAccessControl
Item3072 External link mark Time::parseInterval passes local TZ to Time::parseTime, which expects GMT
Item3071 External link mark Typo in Time::parseInterval affects creation of "$now"
Item3070 External link mark Formfield not correctly rendered when type is textarea
Item3066 External link mark Missing parameter in TWiki::Func::redirectCgiQuery
Item3063 External link mark External square bracket type links break if there's another anchor in the link text
Item3062 External link mark Css based solution to prevent links to oneself
Item3061 External link mark duplicate values in checkbox and select when creating a new topic
Item3060 External link mark oopsleaseconflict does not work right
Item3059 External link mark script does not correctly remove leases
Item3054 External link mark PatternSkin: Make attachment template more flexible
Item3053 External link mark ChangePassword mistakenly says you need to close the browser
Item3052 External link mark ResetPassword and ChangePassword should pass login name
Item3049 External link mark form elements not fully classified
Item3046 External link mark Merge DateFieldPlugin functionality into TWiki core
Item3042 External link mark Improvements to visual design for configure
Item3040 External link mark cookie prefs are web-specific
Item3039 External link mark Better printing of tables and verbatim text in PatternSkin
Item3036 External link mark TablePlugin does not render code text when datacolor is defined
Item3033 External link mark TablePlugin does not add the CSS class "twikiFirstCol" when the table is sorted on the first col
Item3027 External link mark ClassicSkin: Attachment tables in classic skin broken
Item3026 External link mark Improve error handling in login screen
Item3023 External link mark Configure shows unnecessary errors when run first time
Item3018 External link mark PatternSkin: Improvements of table cosmetics
Item3014 External link mark Unified colors and buttons
Item3013 External link mark Uniform style for blockquotes
Item3008 External link mark Need clear documentation of the impact of spaces in form definitions
Item2998 External link mark can't create a topic of the same name as an already existing subweb
Item2985 External link mark SEARCH summary eats escaped [[...]] links
Item2981 External link mark Sandbox aggressively filters all but single-character strings
Item2979 External link mark PatternSkin: Verbatim Text not completly printing with IE6.0
Item2967 External link mark %SEARCH does not work with + in topic="" parameter
Item2965 External link mark Performance: Eliminate $&, $`, and $' from TWiki sources
Item2963 External link mark UTF-8 conversion fails with IE when both webname and topicname contains international characters
Item2958 External link mark TWikiUpgradeGuide is missing configure instructions
Item2957 External link mark RcsLite deep recursion on subroutine errors
Item2951 External link mark MailerContrib: Doc Updates
Item2948 External link mark Nested anchor tag in TOC with Interwiki link
Item2947 External link mark EDIT_TEMPLATE topic preference can't be overriden using url params
Item2938 External link mark TwistyPlugin needs to be enabled per default (PatternSkin dependency)
Item2930 External link mark PatternSkin: Printing in Firefox truncates tables
Item2926 External link mark TWikiUpgradeGuide documentation fix for rcs parameters
Item2923 External link mark includeWarnings broken
Item2922 External link mark missleading topic_not_found warning
Item2918 External link mark Default text colors for user black backgrounds fixed
Item2917 External link mark Main/UserList error in Organization
Item2905 External link mark Form initialization with defaults not working.
Item2900 External link mark Refactor TWiki::UI::Edit::edit
Item2896 External link mark More flexible Form creator
Item2890 External link mark TwistyPlugin and TwistyContrib: Merge enhancements from DEVELOP to TWIKI4
Item2886 External link mark twiki cgi: the name of the config option 'Schedule' is a bit off
Item2885 External link mark bin/twiki fails badly if the Scheduler is not configured
Item2880 External link mark IF cannot check for existence of INCLUDE parameter
Item2879 External link mark Firefox downloads attachments as the topic name and not the real file name
Item2873 External link mark VIEW_TEMPLATEs can't be defined in subwebs
Item2841 External link mark Squabs don't find local topic before web
Item2837 External link mark Edit and FormattedSearch expands $nop, $quot, $percnt, $dollar in $formfield()
Item2820 External link mark InterwikiPlugin does not link when $page is a single character
Item2811 External link mark The viewfile script should use oopsattention instead of oopsaccessdenied
Item2788 External link mark Provide generic oopsgeneric.tmpl template for skins
Item2781 External link mark $cfg{RCS}{ciDateCmd} statement ends in comma instead of semicolon
Item2776 External link mark ICON variable shows eml.gif icon instead of mail.gif
Item2774 External link mark MailerContrib: Notification fails if there is whitespace before topic name list
Item2771 External link mark PatternSkin: Print view changed in backwards incompatible way
Item2759 External link mark Multiselect for forms does not work
Item2757 External link mark Precedence of preferences does not allow site, webs or topics to redefine plugin preferences
Item2753 External link mark Scripts hang in TWiki::UI:run at drain STDIN logic
Item2750 External link mark "oops" pages/messages must not rely on NOAUTOLINK
Item2745 External link mark Non-graceful error handling on mail issue during registration
Item2724 External link mark Include of external doc set wrong url in relative links
Item2720 External link mark Old url construction mechanism (SCRIPTSUFFIX etc) still used
Item2713 External link mark Documentation for format in META{"parent" format=...} improved
Item2712 External link mark In INCLUDE, warn parameter does not work when including a URL
Item2698 External link mark MailerContrib: Mail sending errors are ignored and cause misleading output
Item2692 External link mark In FormattedSearch, nonoise="on" header="fred" counter-intuitively suppresses the header
Item2671 External link mark Don't need to set ALLOWTOPICHANGE in Main.TWikiPreferences and TWiki.TWikiPreferences because it's already done
Item2660 External link mark Added | to TWikiPreferences for vertical bar symbol
Item2659 External link mark Extra CPAN dir needed in setlib.cfg @localPerlLibpath
Item2656 External link mark Configure script still corrupts {NameFilter} with (?-xism:
Item2655 External link mark Better documentation for TWikiRegistrationAgent
Item2650 External link mark TWikiForms checkbox values not stored in proper order
Item2639 External link mark SpreadSheetPlugin: Fix in SHORTDESCRIPTION
Item2628 External link mark USERINFO incorrectly creates nonexistent user
Item2624 External link mark InterwikiPlugin: Doc enhancements
Item2620 External link mark Doc fix: Change %W% to %X% in TWikiDocGraphics
Item2614 External link mark checkTopicEditLock does not work for anything but Edit the main screen
Item2613 External link mark Spec for normalizeWebTopicName is inconsistent
Item2605 External link mark WEBMANAGE permission no longer required (removed)
Item2601 External link mark EmptyPlugin: Debug flag init is missing
Item2596 External link mark Context not authenticated despite Apache Require valid-user Login
Item2592 External link mark misc. typos in HTML source pages
Item2588 External link mark Typo in 'UpgradeTwiki': esiting - existing
Item2584 External link mark PatternSkin: Remove blockquotes from templates
Item2575 External link mark Need the ability to protect formfields from being altered during rendering in SEARCH (added NL definition option)
Item2572 External link mark Printable looses URL parameters
Item2571 External link mark If you press CANCEL the .lease file under data/ won't be deleted
Item2544 External link mark %INCLUDE of URL on subdomain returns wrong pages
Item2543 External link mark configure shows none twice in the pulldown of Password Manager field
Item2537 External link mark Putting in minimal support for separating webs
Item252 External link mark topic preferences not inheritted from topic template
Item2511 External link mark Size of attachment should only be shown for the most recent version.
Item2496 External link mark FormattedSearch $summary has newlines
Item2495 External link mark rdiff expands REVINFO incorrectly
Item2490 External link mark oops link broken if scripts reside in top-level directory
Item2477 External link mark Move attachment log entry has HASH in extra info
Item2460 External link mark REST handler does not set context before initPlugin
Item2458 External link mark REST handlers have bad security implications
Item2453 External link mark TOC does not work correctly when page is generated using url parameters
Item2410 External link mark Can't de-select all options in a checkbox
Item2396 External link mark Need to distinguish between follow-up save and admin repRev
Item2363 External link mark perl accelerators closing STDERR will inhibit any further error log
Item2295 External link mark TemplateLogin login screen eats POST parameters
Item2168 External link mark I18N: Allow international characters in form field names
Item2156 External link mark PatternSkin: SCRIPTURL{"script"} and SCRIPTURLPATH{"script"} are not implemented everywhere
Item2153 External link mark MailerContrib: Mailnotify not running from tools directory & docs need updating
Item2054 External link mark JSCalendarContrib only works with IE in PatternSkin
Item1992 External link mark MailerContrib: Mailnotify generates bogus links with {IDsInURLs} configure option
Item1705 External link mark PatternSkin: Topic action buttons have hard coded access keys

TWiki 4.1.0 Enhancements

Item3428 External link mark TablePlugin: taking out before parsing date fields
Item3380 External link mark Support Javascript variables for content
Item3331 External link mark SpreadSheetPlugin: Add new functions $LISTRAND(), $LISTSHUFFLE(), $LISTTRUNCATE()
Item3316 External link mark Support redirectto parameter in edit
Item3291 External link mark PatternSkin: Overview documentation of pattern skin elements
Item3270 External link mark Prevent creation of all lowercase topic names.
Item3239 External link mark Putting links to configure
Item3230 External link mark Topic not found / WebTopicViewTemplate search does not search case insensitive
Item3228 External link mark CSS classes documentation
Item3191 External link mark HierarchicalNavigation
Item3189 External link mark TablePlugin: New attribute cellborder
Item3171 External link mark SlideShowPlugin: Preserve URL parameters in slideshow, use T-logo
Item3170 External link mark Don't show anything when trying to display a non existing section with section param
Item3157 External link mark New plugin handler for content move
Item3144 External link mark Make test/unit/InitFormTests more resilient to HTML changes
Item3141 External link mark Need to enable plugins on a per-topic basis
Item3115 External link mark InterwikiPlugin with link format
Item3096 External link mark Enable selecting to view named section given by URL when viewing topic.
Item3092 External link mark Views of WebRss & WebAtom should be ignored by Statistics
Item3064 External link mark Development of twikiLib.js as part of a major Java Script refactoring
Item3058 External link mark TwistyPlugin and TwistyContrib: Enhancements version 1.2
Item3037 External link mark Customizable style of new WikiWord links
Item3034 External link mark TablePlugin: give all TDs in sorted column a "sorted" CSS class
Item3017 External link mark Improve Jump Box speed in large webs
Item3016 External link mark Make "jump to similar topic" more obvious
Item2984 External link mark EditTablePlugin Date Format using JSCalendarContrib defined format instead of hard coded.
Item2936 External link mark Auto-incremented topic name on save with AUTOINC
Item2915 External link mark Allow date format in form fields
Item2914 External link mark Support templates to have text rendering affecting aspect outside of textarea
Item2908 External link mark Allow Plugin config variables to be set in bin/configure
Item2907 External link mark Configurable template load path
Item2902 External link mark RenderListPlugin: Support for image URL and TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics icons (version 22 Sep 2006 - V1.034)
Item2897 External link mark Enhance REVINFO{} with same date qualifiers as GMTIME{}
Item2836 External link mark FormattedSearch header supporting $nop, $quot, $percnt, $dollar
Item2805 External link mark CommentPlugin: Support removal of comment prompt after a comment is made
Item2802 External link mark Allow plugin prefs to be defined in configure and save time not looking for prefs in plugin topic.
Item2770 External link mark TablePlugin: Add css support for even/odd row distinction
Item2629 External link mark Add search query javascript
Item2604 External link mark It's too easy to edit EXPERT options in configure
Item2590 External link mark Configure option to replace WIKIWEBMASTER for user registration
Item2582 External link mark Add VarXXX topics for TWiki preferences
Item2556 External link mark TWiki's definition of a wikiword now see numbers as lower case letters
Item2508 External link mark WebTopicCreator - adding ability to select a template from any topic matching .*Template
Item2362 External link mark REST always tries to return text/html
Item2063 External link mark METASEARCH to take a format parameter like SEARCH
Item2000 External link mark Add search by createdate option to SEARCH
Item1704 External link mark PatternSkin: Dependence on TwistyPlugin instead of TwistyContrib (performance improvement)
Item1640 External link mark Don't strip newlines from the front of TMPL:DEFs

TWiki 4.1.1 Patch Release - Details

The 4.1.1 release was built from SVN revision 12768 (05 Feb 2007).

TWiki 4.1.1 Fixes

Item3561 External link mark Missing js and template files in MANIFEST
Item3547 External link mark Passthrough files not cleaned up if not stored in same directory as session files
Item3546 External link mark Session files should not be mixed with normal tmp files from other applications
Item3545 External link mark Configure dies with: Not an ARRAY reference at line 191
Item3544 External link mark Deleting an attachment can cause TWiki to hang almost forever
Item3543 External link mark Some TWikiFAQs don't the have correct TOPICPARENT
Item3534 External link mark In INSTALL.html, add link to InstallingTWiki supplemental docs
Item3533 External link mark Redirect to viewauth broken when using script suffix and apache login
Item3529 External link mark configure stores access octals as string
Item3528 External link mark BlackListPlugin: Redirects to an empty classic style screen when you get caught
Item3523 External link mark CGI session files may contain newlines
Item3520 External link mark TWiki.spec has wrong default for directory access rights. Is 775. Must be 755.
Item3517 External link mark configure no longer warns against non-existing store settings
Item3513 External link mark AUTOINCn produces unwanted lease file, breaking the workflow
Item3511 External link mark Can't go to "next" screen in configure, using Win XP
Item3510 External link mark CommentPlugin templates newline issue - doc updates needed
Item3508 External link mark The mailnotify script has too restrictive access permission
Item3507 External link mark In formatted search $web is not expanded in header
Item3500 External link mark Several attachments missing in TWikiDocGraphics
Item3496 External link mark SpreadSheetPlugin doc work for 4.2
Item3489 External link mark Formatted search breaks with formfield variables and when using nested search
Item3488 External link mark Autoattaching a single file does not work
Item3483 External link mark Error logging in when there is apache login and DENYWEBVIEW
Item3478 External link mark Move DEPENDENCIES file from tools to lib
Item3477 External link mark Erroneous display of Perl version in configure
Item3476 External link mark Configure should warn instead of dying when perl is older then v5.8.0
Item3473 External link mark RCS error when running configure
Item3472 External link mark WebLeftBar in PatternSkin does not display first bullet correctly if first line
Item3471 External link mark Jump feature broken when a web does not have the WebTopicCreator topic
Item3461 External link mark Make sure that the latest release notes are distinguished from old ones
Item3452 External link mark Merge messes up complex form fields
Item3352 External link mark Wrong title text for button in PatternSkin (patch candidate)
Item3303 External link mark Multiple addresses in WIKIWEBMASTER causes email send fail
Item3201 External link mark Remove exclamation mark from welcoming "Hello XXX!"
Item2838 External link mark Documentation on TWiki is ambiguous

TWiki 4.1.1 Enhancements


TWiki 4.1.2 Patch Release Details

The 4.1.2 release was built from SVN revision 13046 (2007-03-03).

TWiki 4.1.1 Fixes

Item3701 External link mark Mailing groups is broken
Item3699 External link mark Document ACLs as actually implemented
Item3687 External link mark Wrong table formatting in attachment version history
Item3685 External link mark Hidden mandatory form fields are no longer hidden in 4.1.1
Item3666 External link mark Not declaring $/ local in unit test cases and causes errors in perl 5.6.1
Item3664 External link mark error in regex for square bracket links
Item3663 External link mark Typo in twiki.js
Item3654 External link mark Remove lib/LocalSite.cfg.txt
Item3652 External link mark I18N: Attachments to topic with umlauts in it are lost
Item3648 External link mark Configure extensions installer fails when plugin has no install script.
Item3642 External link mark Documentation of DENYWEBRENAME and ALLOWWEBRENAME is missing
Item3640 External link mark Configure extensions installer does not install anything
Item3629 External link mark Configure breaks when it is unable to set a locale. Suggestion for fix included.
Item3622 External link mark Changes and search broken on Windows install
Item3617 External link mark Deleting form values of type "select+values" (hot fix candidate)
Item3616 External link mark SlideShowPlugin: incompatible construction of view urls
Item3597 External link mark Extension installer not working
Item3590 External link mark Broken link in include warning
Item3588 External link mark Tinker with ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} to get the right view
Item3587 External link mark Don't override the empty string with 'NOT SET' in TWiki::cfg (patch candidate)
Item3585 External link mark call docco for TWiki::User::setEmails is wrong
Item3584 External link mark Sandbox.WebHome create topic with AUTOINC is missing a hidden t field
Item3582 External link mark Page loads unreasonable slow under IE with Twisty enabled
Item3576 External link mark When creating a new topic, the template is always "Default template", even when the web has a WebTopicEditTemplate properly configured in the preferences.
Item3573 External link mark Fatal Error Creating Wiki Group (Windows 2003)
Item3572 External link mark Typo in bin/.htaccess template that breaks authentication
Item3571 External link mark WebChanges shows TWiki web in headline instead of current Web.
Item3568 External link mark Not all Linuxes allows TWiki to create a /tmp/twiki
Item3564 External link mark TWiki should support at least Perl 5.6.1
Item3559 External link mark The newbies experience in Configure is .... challenging
Item3557 External link mark TempfileDir checker is useless
Item3509 External link mark initializeUserHandler receives no loginName
Item3491 External link mark META:TOPICMOVED is copied from a topic template to any topic created from it
Item3443 External link mark SEARCH performance under mod_perl is awful
Item3431 External link mark The verbatim block munges text with <literal> tags
Item2953 External link mark Meta data ignored by TWiki::Func::checkAccessPermission

TWiki 4.1.2 Enhancements


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Revision: r12 - 2011-01-04 - 13:13:22 - TWikiContributor

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