Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment TWiki > FlexWebListPlugin > FlexWebListExamples Daya Bay webs:
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These are some simple examples to show how to use the basic features of the FlexWebListPlugin. Please create some subwebs in the Sandbox web for a better illustration of the examples below. Some of the examples are displayed using the "glue" syntax of the TWiki:Plugins.GluePlugin to ease reading multiline TML expressions and arguments.

On this page:

No params

Main Public Public/Chinese Public/Public Public/Public/Chinese Sandbox Sandbox/Sandbox TWiki

Influencing order

Public Public/Chinese Public/Public Public/Public/Chinese Main Sandbox Sandbox/Sandbox TWiki

Controlling subwebs

No subwebs

Main Public Sandbox TWiki

Only subwebs

Public/Chinese Public/Public Public/Public/Chinese Sandbox/Sandbox

Subwebs of "Sandbox"


Using include and exclude

Exclude TestCases and Trash webs

%FLEXWEBLIST{exclude="TestCases|Trash.*" subwebs="none"}%
Main Public Sandbox TWiki

Include Sandbox web and all of its subwebs

Sandbox Sandbox/Sandbox

Creating lists

Simple nested list

%FLEXWEBLIST{format="$indent   * [[$web.%HOMETOPIC%][$name]]$n"}%

Nested list using HTML

~~~   header="<ul>" 
~~~   format="<li>[[$web.%HOMETOPIC%][$name]]" 
~~~   separator="</li>"
~~~   footer="</li></ul>" 
~~~ }%

Nested calls to FLEXWEBLIST

~~~   exclude="TestCases|Trash.*" 
~~~   subwebs="none"
~~~   selection="Sandbox"
~~~   format="$indent   * [[$web.%HOMETOPIC%][$name]]$n"
~~~   markerformat="$percntFLEXWEBLIST{
~~~     webs=\"$web\"
~~~     format=\"$dollarindent   * [[$dollarweb.%HOMETOPIC%][$dollarname]]$dollarn\"
~~~   }$percnt"
~~~ }%

Twisty weblist

needs the TWiki:Plugins/TwistyPlugin
~~~   header="<ul>" 
~~~   format="<li>
~~~     $percntTWISTYBUTTON{
~~~       id=\"twisty_weblist_$web\"
~~~       link=\"$name ($nrsubwebs)\"
~~~     }$percnt"
~~~   separator="</li>"
~~~   subheader="
~~~     $percntTWISTYTOGGLE{
~~~       id=\"twisty_weblist_$web\" 
~~~       mode=\"div\"
~~~     }$percnt<ul>" 
~~~   subfooter="</li></ul>$percntENDTWISTY$percnt" 
~~~   footer="</li></ul>" 
~~~ }%

Twisty navigation

needs the TWiki:Plugins/TwistyPlugin and the TWiki:Plugins/IfDefinedPlugin

~~~   webs="%MAINWEB%,public,%TWIKIWEB%"
~~~   exclude="TestCases|Trash.*"
~~~   header="<ul>" 
~~~   format="<li>[[$web.%HOMETOPIC%][$name]]&nbsp;
~~~     $percntIFDEFINEDTHEN{\"$nrsubwebs \" as=\"0 \"}$percnt
~~~     $percntELSEDEFINED$percnt
~~~       $percntTWISTYBUTTON{
~~~         id=\"sitemap_$web\"
~~~         buttonmode=\"span\"
~~~         showimg=\"$percntICONURLPATH{\"toggleopenleft\"}$percnt\"
~~~         hideimg=\"$percntICONURLPATH{\"toggleclose\"}$percnt\"
~~~       }$percnt
~~~     $percntFIDEFINED$percnt"
~~~   separator="</li>$n"
~~~   subheader="$percntTWISTYTOGGLE{id=\"sitemap_$web\"}$percnt<ul>" 
~~~   subfooter="</li></ul>$percntENDTWISTY$percnt" 
~~~   footer="</ul>" 
~~~ }%


Public Welcome to Daya Bay
Chinese 中文公开网页
Public Welcome to Daya Bay
Chinese 中文公开网页
Main Welcome to Daya Bay
Sandbox Sandbox web to experiment in an open hands-on area
Sandbox Sandbox test area with all features enabled.
TWiki TWiki documentation, welcome guest and user registration

Mapping names

~~~    map="TestCases=Tests,%TWIKIWEB%=System,%MAINWEB%=Home"
~~~    format="$indent   * [[$web.%HOMETOPIC%][$name]]$n"
~~~ }%

Marking a selection

Using marker

~~~   exclude="TestCases|Trash.*"
~~~   format="$indent   * <span class=\"$marker\"> $web </span>$n"
~~~   marker="twikiAlert"
~~~   selection="%BASEWEB%"
~~~ }%

Using markerformat

~~~   exclude="TestCases|Trash.*"
~~~   format="$indent   * [[$web.%HOMETOPIC%][$name]]$n"
~~~   markerformat="$indent   * 
~~~     [[$web.%HOMETOPIC%][<span class=\"twikiAlert\">$name</span>]]$n"
~~~   selection="%BASEWEB%"
~~~ }%

Revision: r0 - 2007-03-10 - 15:39:57 - TWikiContributor
Parents: FlexWebListPlugin

Copyright © 1999-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
Ideas, requests, problems regarding Daya Bay? Send feedback
Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on at TWiki:TWiki.FlexWebListExamples.