Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of NuWa_Slave

08/09/10 16:33:51 (14 years ago)
blyth (IP:



  • NuWa_Slave

    v1 v1  
     4= NuWa Slave : automated build/test setup = 
     6Running a slave provides : 
     7  * automatically updated and tested dybinst'allation 
     8  * web interface to the status of the installation including history of build/test status 
     10= How to setup a slave = 
     12== Pre-requisites : python 2.5?, setuptools, bitten ( 0.6dev-r561 ) == 
     14Although bitten is installed by dybinst into nuwa python as part of the nosebit external,  
     15it is more logical to install this into your system python as the slave  
     16can then perform ''green-field'' dybinst builds without recourse to existing dybinst-allations.  
     18svn checkout bitn 
     19cd bitn 
     20python develop       ## probably with sudo 
     22  * more recent revisions of bitten have incompatibilites with the trac 0.11 master  
     25== Interactive Test Running of the slave == 
     27  * Verify that '''bitten-slave''' is installed and in your PATH and is the expected ''standard'' version  
     29[blyth@belle7 ~]$ which bitten-slave 
     31[blyth@belle7 ~]$ bitten-slave --version 
     32bitten-slave 0.6dev-r561 
     35  * export dybinst into directory to be used for slave builds (you could use an existing dybinst-allation also)  
     36  * interactive test run of the slave 
     38./dybinst trunk slave  
     40     * this should fail complaining of lack of config in your {{{$HOME/.dybinstrc}}} 
     42  * add or create {{{$HOME/.dybinstrc}}} containing connection credentials 
     47slv_loghost=http://your.address       ## if you are able to publish logfiles  
     51If your credentials are correct the expected startup messages are : 
     53[blyth@cms01 trunk]$ ./dybinst trunk slave 
     54Updating existing installation directory installation/trunk/dybinst. 
     55Updating existing installation directory installation/trunk/dybtest. 
     58Mon Aug  9 16:12:04 CST 2010 
     59Start Logging to /data/env/local/dyb/trunk/dybinst-20100809-161204.log (or dybinst-recent.log) 
     62Starting dybinst commands: slave 
     64Stage: "slave"...  
     67dybinst-slave invoking : /data/env/local/dyb/trunk/installation/trunk/dybinst/scripts/ trunk 
     69Contacting the master instance, this will take a while.  Go get muffins... 
     71=== slv-main : derive config /home/blyth/.bitten-slave/dybslv.cfg from source /home/blyth/.dybinstrc 
     72[INFO    ] Setting socket.defaulttimeout : 15.0  
     73[INFO    ] Setting socket.defaulttimeout : 15.0  
     74[DEBUG   ] Sending POST request to '' 
     75[INFO    ] No pending builds 
     79Note that slave asked the master if there are any builds to do and got reply  '''No pending builds''' , the default config is to  
     80ask the master every 5 mins if there is anything to do. 
     83In order for the master to instruct the slave to perform builds you must send the '''hostname''' to Simon : 
     85[blyth@belle7 ~]$ hostname 
     88who will inform add the slave to the master through the Trac Admin web interface. 
     92== Running the slave continuously == 
     94Supervisord is recommended to keep the slave running,  
     95  * 
     97Install supervisord into your system python with easy_install or pip : 
     99easy_install supervisor 
     102For tips on using supervisord, see : 
     103  * 
     104     * ( includes functions to setup redhat init.d scripts that restart supervisord and all its children when your machine is rebooted )  
     106An example of the supervisord config used to keep the dybslv running : 
     111command=/data1/env/local/dyb/dybinst -l dybinst-slave.log trunk slave 