Version 9 (modified by blyth, 15 years ago)


Daya-Bay Auxiliary Resources Repository

This is the dybaux Trac instance providing a web interface to the SVN repository :

See dybsvn:wiki:WikiStart for login instructions

Guidelines for where to keep things

project source code / scripts dybsvn:/
personal source code / scripts dybsvn:/people
calibration data dybaux:/
binary image/video files

Derived files

Note that derived files do not belong in repositories, instead keep the source code that you used to create the derived files in the repository.

Binary files in SVN repositories

Subversion repositories are most useful for : source code , although binary files can be stored in them, most of the benefits that subversion provides are irrelevant for binary files. This is because source code repository operation is based on the differences between files, for binary files the difference is not meaningful.

  • subversion is simply the wrong tool for managing binary files.

THINK before you commit

Once a file is committed to a subversion repository, it cannot be removed (without lengthy and painful efforts involving dumping the entire history of the repository into a file , and then replaying the entire history of the repository commit-by-commit to create a new one).

Where to put binary/video files ?

  • wiki attachment
  • elog attachment
  • free web services : picasa / flickr / youtube / ... ?