Version 5 (modified by thho, 15 years ago)


This page contains IAV measurement raw data.

Optical Property

Raw data could be found here

Sample and Data File Convention

An acrylic sample convention is composed of 4 digits.


Each raw data file is composed of 6 digits. The first digit indicate the type of measurement. The following 4 digits indicate which acrylic sample is adopted. The last digit indicates the number of measurement.


A typical convention of raw data look like:


This means it's the fifth transmission measurement of the sample used for barrel of some IAV, and it's one piece of a panel ( called number 2) of batch 3.

Label Description
B The acrylic sample is used for the barrel of IAV
L The acrylic sample is used for the lids of IAV
R The acrylic sample is used for the ribs and flanges of IAV
O The acrylic sample is not used for the above parts of IAV

Nakano uses the same acrylic panels for the ribs and flanges of IAV#1 and IAV#2. If not specified, the label "R" means the acrylic sample is used for both the ribs and flanges of IAV.

Measurement Type Description Details
T Total transmission PerkinElmer Lambda 650 spectrometer
R Total reflection PerkinElmer Lambda 650 spectrometer
D Diffuse reflection PerkinElmer Lambda 650 spectrometer
N Index of refraction doc:3499
A Absorption length doc:3499
O Other kinds of measurement not mentioned above

Data format


A typical transmission/reflection spectrum looks like

800 92.4132 0.131976
799 92.446 0.118017
798 92.3688 0.09428

It means

wavelength(nm) transmission/reflection mean value (%) RMS (%)

RMS is taken by the average of the value to repeat scanning spectrum three times, then rotate the sample ~90 degree, and finally repeat scanning spectrum three times, again.

If no extra explanation, the optical spectrum of transmission/reflection follows this format. For example, source:IAV/material/optical/T-B112-1.dat

Attenuation Length

wavelength(nm) Attenuation Length (mm) + uncertainty (mm) - uncertainty (mm)

Index of Refraction

wavelength(nm) index of refraction uncertainty

Sample Summary

Sample Thickness Manufacturer Used for Note
B111 10.14 Liang-Mei IAV1/2
B112 10.113 Liang-Mei IAV1/2
L111 15.150 Liang-Mei IAV1/2

File Summary

File Collection Data Note
T-B111-1.dat 20090215 only 3 times average of an orientation. No rotation of the sample
T-B112-1.dat 20090719
T-B211-1.dat 20090719
T-L111-1.dat 20090719
T-L211-1.dat 20090719
T-R111-1.dat 20090706
R-B112-1.dat 20090718
R-L111-1.dat 20090718
D-B112-1.dat 20090718
D-L111-1.dat 20090718
A-B112-1.dat derived from T-B112-1.dat R-B112-1.dat D-B112-1.dat doc:3499
A-L111-1.dat derived from T-L111-1.dat R-L111-1.dat D-L111-1.dat doc:3499
N-B112-1.dat derived from T-B112-1.dat R-B112-1.dat D-B112-1.dat doc:3499
N-L111-1.dat derived from T-L111-1.dat R-L111-1.dat D-L111-1.dat doc:3499