Version 2 (modified by blyth, 14 years ago)




spec file

  meta          ,  class         ,  table       ,  CanL2Cache 
  1             ,  SimPmtSpec    ,  SimPmtSpec  ,  kTRUE
  name           , codetype                 , dbtype       , description                          , code2db 
  pmtId          , DayaBay::DetectorSensor  , int(11)      , PMT sensor ID                        , .sensorId()
  describ        , std::string              , varchar(27)  , String of decribing PMT position     ,
  gain           , double                   , float        , Relative gain for pmt with mean = 1  ,
  sigmaGain      , double                   , float        , 1-sigma spread of S.P.E. response    ,
  timeOffset     , double                   , float        , Relative transit time offset         ,
  timeSpread     , double                   , float        , Transit time spread                  ,
  efficiency     , double                   , float        , Absolute efficiency                  ,
  prePulseProb   , double                   , float        , Probability of prepulsing            ,
  afterPulseProb , double                   , float        , Probability of afterpulsing          ,
  darkRate       , double                   , float        , Dark Rate                            ,

gendbi generated documentation

name dbtype codetype description code2db
pmtId int(11) DayaBay::DetectorSensor PMT sensor ID .sensorId()
describ varchar(27) std::string String of decribing PMT position
gain float double Relative gain for pmt with mean = 1
sigmaGain float double 1-sigma spread of S.P.E. response
timeOffset float double Relative transit time offset
timeSpread float double Transit time spread
efficiency float double Absolute efficiency
prePulseProb float double Probability of prepulsing
afterPulseProb float double Probability of afterpulsing
darkRate float double Dark Rate