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TWiki User Reports

Page contents
This page contains user reports you can use in TWiki application. Create appealing TWiki applications in a no time!

Reports are of format %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }%, where the action determines the kind of report. Each report supports additional parameters.

Action: user_list

Show a simple list of registered users. The output is a comma-space delimited sorted list of WikiWords of users (without web prefix), which can be used as input for other reports on this page.

This report also sets a "UserReports_users" variable to the number of users found. To retrieve, write %GET{UserReports_users}%.

AaferAabusil, AagarwalkuttyKutty, AaliceAbramovich, AalilyannaTrump, AarikaBrown, AaronHansen, AaronHarvey, AaronHiguera, AaronJhon, AaronLampar, AaronLee, AaronPaguntalan, AaronShake, AaronSpelling, AaronWilliams, AbantBans, AbbieFaulkner, AbbyBradley, AbbyBradleyz, AbcassignmentHelp, AbdulHarrow, AbeBoyer, AbeHiggins, AbigAil1, AbigaIl212, AbigaIl448, AbigaIl532, AbigaIl583, AbigaIl752, AbigailHolland, AbikAbasov, AbitareiLtempo, AbnehmenSchlaf, AbonnementeZeitschriften, AborWalker, AbramAbramovich, AbriellAnderson, AbyAbrams, ActiOnJoe, AdaH111, AdamCarBuyer, AdamGodoy, AdamLevine, AdaN284, AdaN287, AdaN727, AdaN839, AdaN97, AddictionMedicine, AdelaIde162, AdelaIde172, AdelaIde412, AdelaIde579, AdelaIde58, AdelaIde862, AdelaIde961, AdelIne22, AdelIne36, AdeliNe475, AdeliNe554, AdemBrown, AdinA231, AdinA434, AdinA941, AdriaFarley, AdriAn163, AdriAn61, AdriAn654, AdriAn712, AdriAn943, AdrianaSanchez, AdrianMarius, AdriannaJaskolski, AdriaNne185, AdriaNne244, AdriaNne685, AdriaNne943, AdvancedRoofing, AegeanCruises, AesourcesUalrap, AffiliateFiliate, AffiliateMarketing, AffordableDepressionTherapy, AfricanMango, AfzalSheikh, AgatHa488, AgatHa49, AgatHa83, Agen338Agenpragmaticplay338, AgenJudiOnlineTerpercayaViva99, AgenKaya, AgenKaya138, AgenPro, AgenslotoTerpercaya, AggreySmith, AgitAnugrah, AgitAnugrah1950, AgitAnugrah1960, AgitAnugrah1970, AgitAnugrah1980

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="user_list" search="jane" limit="5" }%

Sample output:
AaferAabusil, AagarwalkuttyKutty, AaliceAbramovich, AalilyannaTrump, AarikaBrown

Action: profile_picture

Show the profile picture image of a user. A default image is returned in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. The output is an <img /> tag that can be embedded in other tags such as links.

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="profile_picture" user="TWikiGuest" height="40" title="TWikiGuest" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="profile_picture" user="AmandaBoris" height="40" title="AmandaBoris" }%

Sample output:
TWikiGuest   AaferAabusil   AagarwalkuttyKutty   AaliceAbramovich   AalilyannaTrump   AarikaBrown


Action: user_sig

Show a user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user.

In addition, a USERSIG preferences setting is defined as a shortcut, so that a simple %USERSIG{TWikiGuest}% can be used.

Usage example:

-- %USERREPORT{ action="user_sig" user="TWikiGuest - 2025-02-23" }%

-- %USERSIG{TWikiGuest}%

-- %USERSIG{TWikiGuest - 2025-02-23}%

Sample output:
-- TWiki Guest - 2025-02-23

-- TWiki Guest

-- TWiki Guest - 2025-02-23


Action: bubble_sig

Show a faded comment bubble and user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. This is used for CommentPlugin signatures.

In addition, a BUBBLESIG preferences setting is defined as a shortcut, so that a simple %BUBBLESIG{TWikiGuest}% can be used.

Usage example:

Test comment using USERREPORT

-- %USERREPORT{ action="bubble_sig" user="TWikiGuest - 2025-02-23" }%

Test comment using BUBBLESIG

-- %BUBBLESIG{TWikiGuest - 2025-02-23}%

Sample output:
Test comment using USERREPORT

-- TWiki Guest - 2025-02-23

Test comment using BUBBLESIG

-- TWiki Guest - 2025-02-23


Action: slim_box

Slim box example
Show slim, one line height user boxes. Several actions are provided:

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_start" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box" user="TWikiGuest" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box" user="JaneSmith" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_end" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_end" }%

Sample output:

TWikiGuest TWiki Guest
AaferAabusil Aafer Aabusil
AagarwalkuttyKutty Aagarwalkutty Kutty
AaliceAbramovich Aalice Abramovich
AalilyannaTrump Aalilyanna Trump
AarikaBrown Aarika Brown

%users% %users%
%user% %user%

Action: small_box

Small box example
Show small, two line height user boxes. Several actions are provided:

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="small_box_start" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="small_box" user="TWikiGuest" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="small_box" user="JaneSmith" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="small_box_end" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="small_box_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="small_box_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="small_box_end" }%

Sample output:

TWikiGuest TWiki Guest
AaferAabusil Aafer Aabusil
AagarwalkuttyKutty Aagarwalkutty Kutty
AaliceAbramovich Aalice Abramovich
AalilyannaTrump Aalilyanna Trump
AarikaBrown Aarika Brown

%users% %users%
%user% %user%

Action: business_card

Business card example
Show users in business card format. Several actions are provided:

Usage examples:

%USERREPORT{ action="business_card_start" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="business_card" user="TWikiGuest" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="business_card" user="JaneSmith" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="business_card_end" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="business_card_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="business_card_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="business_card_end" }%

Sample output:

aafer Aabusil

, , USA

aagarwalkutty kutty

, , United Kingdom

Aalice Abramovich

, , Hungary

Aalilyanna Trump

Invest On Seo, , USA

Aarika Brown

, , Australia

, ,

, ,

Action: select_one_user

Show a selector to pick a user, for use in HTML forms.

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="select_one_user" name="Owner" selected="TWikiGuest" }%

Sample output:

Action: select_users

Select users example
Show rows of checkboxes to select users, for use in HTML forms.

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="select_users" name="Members" selected="TWikiGuest, AmandaBoris" }%

Sample output:

Note to Maintainer:

Related topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserList, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, UserListByPhotograph, VarUSERREPORT, TWikiUserMappingContrib

-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 2014-10-04

Revision: r2 - 2014-10-05 - 05:06:46 - TWikiContributor
Parents: TWikiUserMappingContrib

Copyright © 1999-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on at TWiki:TWiki.UserReports.