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DCS Commissioning


The DCS commissiong will verify the integration of DCS framework with detector subsystem software, and prepare the experiment for prompt data taking.


Airplane Jump to DCS software commissioning for system procedures, monitoring, and contacts.


This is a summary of the major items from the Daya Bay Project Schedule DocDB-4035 External link mark.

Major Milestones

Date Task Elog Link Results
Jan. 20 - Feb. 1, 2010: installation Elog Link Here (link to result goes here )
Feb. 1 - Feb. 20, 2010: debugging Elog Link Here (link to result goes here )

System Involved in Integration

Target - red ADs

  1. AD sensors( Liquid level, Tilt sensors, Overflow temperature sensors) (Wei, UW)
  2. Internal vistual cameras (Mike, UW)
  3. Liquid level camera (Zhijian, DGUT)
  4. Minral oil clarity monitoring (MOMon) (Raymond Kwok, CHUK)
  5. CAL monitoring (Jianlai&Raymond, CalTech)
  6. Cover Gas (Wise,UW)

Target - blue MUONs

  1. Water pool 8 inch PMT HV (Kam-Biu)
  2. RPC HV (Jiawen,Jilei, IHEP)
  3. RPC GAS (Changguo, Princeton)
  4. Water system (Changgen, IHEP)
  5. IOW Caliboration (Yue Meng, VirginiaTech)

Target - green Environment (Xiaonan?)

  1. Site ?
  2. Temperature and Humidity ?
  3. Pressure ?
  4. Radon monitor (Yanchang?)

Equipment IPs

How to request a DCS IP

Two ways to request:
  1. Send email to YeMei and provid information of your equipment.
  2. Fill the following register items for your equipment:

IPSorted ascending Port MAC Address Equipment Domain name Person in Charge Subsystem eth0 00-E0-4B-25-50-D6 RPC Gas Chromatograph Device2 430GC-2.dyb.local Lu Changguo DCS

Current DCS PCs

  1. DCS PCs: #1(AD HV,VME),#2(muon HV,VME,RPC HV),#3(water pool)
  2. AD PCs: #1(Sensors), AD CAMERAs: 2 PCs(#2 #3) for each AD. Total:16
  3. MUON PCs: #1(RPC GAS)
  4. MO Mon PCs: #1(MO Clarity Monitoring PC)

Tests and Criteria

Onsite Documents

Group Contacts Procedures Equipment List Acceptance Form External link mark Sort Task Control External link mark Sort Work Coordination External link mark Sort Safety Training Sort Onsite Access Documentation
PMT Kam-Biu X List X X X Dawei Kam-Biu X

Meetings smile


Attachments Attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc GCS-design.doc manage 26.5 K 2010-12-10 - 15:49 YeMei  

Revision: r8 - 2011-03-18 - 11:53:22 - YeMei
Parents: TWikiUsers > YeMei

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