{The sexual behaviour in animals is variable not on the list of members of the same species or within different species. Various kinds of bizarre mating systems have been discovered by the researchers in the animals. The analysis of animal sexual behavior is quite interesting and is just one of the hot topic when the scientist are indulged with dedication. It's obvious that only few creatures participate within the sex play-like individuals. About 1,500 species of animals are considered to be homosexual. The sociobiology and behavioural ecology are the two branches of science which deal with the ways that the animal societies are oriented to the sexual conduct.
The first animal sex science system is monogamy where one male and one female together form the sexual relationship or sexual bond which remains throughout their life. Zoologists and socio biologists have suggested the pair formation in the monogamous animals isn't always sexually exclusive. Sex have been found to be exchanged with extra-sex partners as seen within the swans.
Frequent Sexual Activities Shown by Creatures
Autoeroticism (Masturbation)
Masturbation is really common among the creatures including both male and females members of species and they masturbate when partners are on hand to be able to show which they are ready to mate. Masturbation has been usually observed in horses where they rub the penis of any hard material, also the kangaroo is seen masturbating the penis with the front paws.
Oral Sex
Animals of many species are known to enjoy the auto-fellatio and oral sex. Even though this behaviour of animals confuses individuals because it is a completely different sexual behaviour adopted by animals. Oral sex is typically found in the hyenas, goats, primates, bats and sheep.
Homosexual Conduct
Homosexual behaviour has been noticed in a number of animal species like marine birds, mammals, monkeys and great apes. Homosexual conduct has been discovered in 1,500 species of animals and is well documented in 500 species. Janet Mann a professor of Georgetown University has discovered homosexual behavior inside the dolphins.
Cross-species Sex
Creatures are observed to mate with the members of other species as observed in case of wild moose which tries to mate with the horses. Hybrids may result by mating between the creatures of closely related species however the offspring may well not always be fertile.
Prostitution and Sexual Fetishes
In many species of penguins the ladies although committed to a male may swap sexual favours with unexpected males just in order to get pebbles for building of their nests. Many animals have been found to use inanimate things for sexualizing themselves. This behaviour resembles the Pavlovian conditioning.
Coercive Sex
In a number of species males have emerged to court against the ladies powerfully. This raping behavior is very well recorded within the arachnids where the women are seen to eat the males when not tricked with food or connected with threads during the whole process of courtship.
Sexual activity between Grownups and Juveniles
Moles of particular species impregnate young females which is a part of the normal reproductive physiology. It's not known that if the courtship is performed with force or not.
Sexual Cannibalism
Sexual cannibalism has been well documented within the arachnids, insects and amphipods where in fact the female kills or consumes the male during or following the action of copulation.
Necrophilia is a process where an animal attempts to court with a dead animal. Kees Moeliker of the Rotterdam Natural History Museum, Netherlands has discovered necrophilia in duck attempting to copulate together with the dead duck. Moeliker has received Nobel Prize for this particular research in biology awarded for humorous research. Such behaviour has also been noticed within the cane toads Discover More Here.