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For a writer on philosophical, political, and futurist issues and also being a hard hitting realist, free-market capitalist and being one with good sense - you can only imagine the backlash I get from neoliberal socialist thinking environmentalists. The fascinating thing is; I am not against environmentalists, and I believe everybody should care about clean water, and also the air we breathe. Nothing burns me up over watching someone trash on the earth, or throwing something out their window while driving in the expressway.

Indeed, I find such behavior positively unacceptable. There isn't any reason to trash the area, or disrespect the surroundings. And in that regard there was probably nothing wrong with tree huggers, however, I often find myself disrespected by that group since I am an entrepreneur and a business person. The funny thing about this is I've always worked hard to do the right thing in relation to the surroundings. Now then, I often find that businesses, small businesses, and other people are called "selfish bastards" by various environmentalists and environmental groups. It isn't illegal to make a yield, employ people, or create the things that people desire.

These negative opinions aren't helpful, nor do they help the environment. They certainly don't cause business-people to want to go out-of the way to do the right thing. Further, I find much too often, environmentalists need to increase my taxes, or improve regulations on the business community, even to the idea as to compel us to go out as well as care for creeping phlox more trees. There is nothing wrong with planting trees, it is a great idea and I dare say an extremely noble thing to perform, but unless an environmentalist is out planting trees every single day, they need to not compel myself or my fellow people to go out and do the exact same.

The truth is, if I was responsible for planting trees on this planet, because I actually do believe this is a great idea, I am fairly sure I could gather corporate sponsors, Non-governmental organisations, and boards to activate and assist with the financing needed to do this. First thing I would do is enlist robotic unmanned aerial vehicles, with particular self planting seed dropping devices, and methodically bomb various regions of our world where I consider the forests would abundantly increase.

Going out as well as creeping phlox seeds one or two trees, and then calling yourself a tree hugger environmentalist doesn't give one the to go out as well as trash every business person in the world, and tell them the way to live their lives, or to mandate the taxing of the affluent. If our environmentalists really wants to make a statement, they need to lead by example, go out as well as put millions of trees themselves and figure out the way to get that done.

The truth is the fact that entrepreneurs understand the way to get things done, and if it was their life goal to go out and put trees, they might be planting tens of millions of trees, not only one or two, here and there. Nevertheless, don't forget if we trash these people in public, call them names, and tax the rubbish out of them, they'll not be interested in planting trees just in putting the environmentalists in their place. Accordingly, to the gentleman who recently e-mailed me offering me trouble; "Plant This Click This Link!"

Revision: r1 - 2013-10-22 - 18:14:33 - CandyCe765

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