[[TracNav(NuwaNav)]] [[PageOutline]] = NuWa Slave : automated build/test setup = Running a slave provides : * automatically updated and tested dybinst'allation * web interface to the status of the installation including history of build/test status = Slave Status (27 Aug 2010) = || '''location''' || '''responsible''' || '''host''' || '''status''' || || NUU || Simon || belle7.nuu.edu.tw || nearly continuous operation for several years || || NTU || Simon || cms01.phys.ntu.edu.tw || nearly continuous operation for several years || || BNL || ?Jiajie || daya0001.rcf.bnl.gov || trial runs in process, added to ''dybinst'' config || || IHEP || Miao/Qiumei || lxslc.ihep.ac.cn || trial runs by Miao, added to ''dybinst'' config || || Dayabay || Miao/Qiumei || ? || ? || || Caltech || ?Dan || ? || ? || || LBNL || ? || ? || ? || General Build status and that of '''dybinst''' configurations are available at * http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/tracs/dybsvn/build * http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/tracs/dybsvn/build/dybinst = How to setup a slave = == Pre-requisites : python 2.5?, setuptools, bitten ( 0.6dev-r561 ) == Although bitten is installed by dybinst into nuwa python as part of the nosebit external, it is more logical to install this into your system python as the slave can then perform ''green-field'' dybinst builds without recourse to existing dybinst-allations. {{{ svn checkout http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/bitten/branches/experimental/trac-0.11@561 bitn cd bitn python setup.py develop ## probably with sudo }}} * more recent revisions of bitten have incompatibilites with the trac 0.11 master == Interactive Test Running of the slave == * Verify that '''bitten-slave''' is installed and in your PATH and is the expected ''standard'' version {{{ [blyth@belle7 ~]$ which bitten-slave /usr/bin/bitten-slave [blyth@belle7 ~]$ bitten-slave --version bitten-slave 0.6dev-r561 }}} * export dybinst into directory to be used for slave builds (you could use an existing dybinst-allation also) * interactive test run of the slave {{{ ./dybinst trunk slave }}} * this should fail complaining of lack of config in your {{{$HOME/.dybinstrc}}} * add or create {{{$HOME/.dybinstrc}}} containing connection credentials {{{ slv_buildsurl=http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/tracs/dybsvn/builds slv_username=slave slv_password=*** slv_loghost=http://your.address ## if you are able to publish logfiles }}} If your credentials are correct the expected startup messages are : {{{ [blyth@cms01 trunk]$ ./dybinst trunk slave Updating existing installation directory installation/trunk/dybinst. Updating existing installation directory installation/trunk/dybtest. Mon Aug 9 16:12:04 CST 2010 Start Logging to /data/env/local/dyb/trunk/dybinst-20100809-161204.log (or dybinst-recent.log) Starting dybinst commands: slave Stage: "slave"... dybinst-slave invoking : /data/env/local/dyb/trunk/installation/trunk/dybinst/scripts/slave.sh trunk Contacting the master instance, this will take a while. Go get muffins... === slv-main : derive config /home/blyth/.bitten-slave/dybslv.cfg from source /home/blyth/.dybinstrc [INFO ] Setting socket.defaulttimeout : 15.0 [INFO ] Setting socket.defaulttimeout : 15.0 [DEBUG ] Sending POST request to 'http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/tracs/dybsvn/builds' [INFO ] No pending builds }}} Note that slave asked the master if there are any builds to do and got reply '''No pending builds''' , the default config is to ask the master every 5 mins if there is anything to do. In order for the master to instruct the slave to perform builds you must send the '''hostname''' to Simon : {{{ [blyth@belle7 ~]$ hostname belle7.nuu.edu.tw }}} who will inform add the slave to the master through the Trac Admin web interface. == Running the slave continuously == Supervisord is recommended to keep the slave running, * http://supervisord.org/ Install supervisord into your system python with easy_install or pip : {{{ easy_install supervisor }}} For tips on using supervisord, see : * http://dayabay.phys.ntu.edu.tw/tracs/env/browser/trunk/base/sv.bash * ( includes functions to setup redhat init.d scripts that restart supervisord and all its children when your machine is rebooted ) An example of the supervisord config used to keep the dybslv running : {{{ [program:dybslv] environment=HOME=/home/blyth,BITTEN_SLAVE=/usr/bin/bitten-slave,SLAVE_OPTS=--verbose directory=/data1/env/local/dyb command=/data1/env/local/dyb/dybinst -l dybinst-slave.log trunk slave redirect_stderr=true redirect_stdout=true autostart=true autorestart=true priority=999 user=blyth }}} == Refreshing the slave build == For reasons of efficiency the slave build (which can be performed multiple times each day) is done as an update build. Certain types of commits are known to be likely to cause issues with update builds, including : * changes to DataModel classes In order to freshen up the build you can try rebuilding after removing various directories, in progressively increasing levels of cleanliness : * {{{rm -rf NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/DybRelease/$CMTCONFIG}}} * {{{rm -rf NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/InstallArea}}} * {{{rm -rf NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/* ; svn up NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi}}} To trigger a slave build after the removal, invalidate the last build on the node in question using the web interface (BUILD_ADMIN privilege required) == Monitoring the slave node == After many failures on a slave, it is wise to check running processes {{{ps aux}}}, it can happen that many tens of stuck nuwa.py processes can kill your node. Clean up with {{{pgrep -f nuwa.py ; pkill -f nuwa.py}}} = Getting the slave to do periodic builds = To zeroth order only a few steps are needed to convert a standard update-build bitten slave into a periodic (daily/weekly) builder. == Develop/Debug the cron commandline == Starting point ... interactive trials with : {{{ SLAVE_OPTS="--single --dry-run" ./dybinst -b singleshot_\\\${revision} -l /dev/stdout trunk slave }}} || '''dybinst''' options || || || '''-l /dev/stdout''' || send logging to stdout, for debugging || || '''-b singleshot_\\\${revision}''' || option propagated to bitten-slave '''--build-dir''' || || || (variables evaluated in build context supplied by the master) || The '''SLAVE_OPTS''' are incorporated into the bitten-slave commandline, * '''--dry-run''' is for debugging only : builds are performed but not reported to the master. * '''--single''' perform a single build before exiting While debugging increase verbosity by adding line to {{{~/.dybinstrc}}} : {{{ slv_verbose=yes }}} === Issues Forseen / Things TODO === * may need more escaping '''\\\${revision}''' of the '''build-dir''' * the cron command might not get a build to perform within the period (if no qualifying commits), * process pile-up will occur ... * maybe avoid by exiting if existing slave process ? * perhaps add a first '''step''' that checks * will need some purging to avoid filling the disk with builds * could add a build step to do this cleanup * failed builds need to be marked as such in the file system as well as in the web interface * add a final build step that checks status and takes action for failures ... * renaming of build directories === Understanding how {{{./dybinst trunk slave}}} works === '''dybinst''' invokes the below which construct and evaluate the bitten-slave commandline to talk to the master and perform builds * source:installation/trunk/dybinst/scripts/dybinst-slave * source:installation/trunk/dybinst/scripts/slave.sh === bitten-slave options === {{{ [blyth@belle7 dyb]$ bitten-slave --help Usage: bitten-slave [options] url Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit --name=NAME name of this slave (defaults to host name) -f FILE, --config=FILE path to configuration file -u USERNAME, --user=USERNAME the username to use for authentication -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD the password to use when authenticating building: -d DIR, --work-dir=DIR working directory for builds --build-dir=BUILD_DIR name pattern for the build dir to use inside the working dir ["build_${config}_${build}"] -k, --keep-files don't delete files after builds -s, --single exit after completing a single build -n, --dry-run don't report results back to master -i SECONDS, --interval=SECONDS time to wait between requesting builds logging: -l FILENAME, --log=FILENAME write log messages to FILENAME -v, --verbose print as much as possible -q, --quiet print as little as possible --dump-reports whether report data should be printed }}} = What happens when builds/tests fail ? = Failures result in notification emails and an entry on the timeline. Following the link in the email gets you to the build status page, such as : * http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/tracs/dybsvn/build/dybinst/3800 Examining the error reporting there and on the summary page * http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/tracs/dybsvn/build/dybinst will tell you which '''step''' of the build/tests failed. You can confirm the error by running pkg tests via dybinst, eg for '''rootiotest''' {{{ ./dybinst trunk tests rootiotest }}} and investigate futher by getting into the environment and directory of the pkg running the tests {{{ nosetests -v }}}