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ZZ hub : alarm


Plots monitoring tarball sizes and counts for Trac and Subversion instances that reside on hub servers at various institutions. Typically each hub has multiple backup nodes with the corresponding plots being presented by hub.


To setup the auto-monitoring script on a new node requires the below steps as described on this page.

  1. configuring
  2. manual testing
  3. automation

How the plotting work

A globbed toctree directive is used to pull in all rst pages from env/scm/monitor/ These pages use the sphinx extension env.sphinxext.stockchart to embed raw html containing javascript and a single div element into the html output derived from the reStructuredText source (use show source to see this).

On page load the javascript runs an ajax query to pull in the plot data and options from static JSON files for each remote node residing in /data/. These static files are created by the scm-backup-monitor which uses fabric to gather info from remote nodes and updates an SQLite DB.


the plots are rendered on the client, this approach as it stands is thus limited to small numbers of things to monitor

Configuring the monitoring

  1. update env checkout in root home directory

  2. copy two config files into root home:

    cp ~blyth/.scm_monitor.cnf .
    cp ~blyth/.libfab.cnf .

The ZZ section of .scm_monitor.cnf configures where a database file and output json files are stored.:

[dayabay] /home/blyth/e > cat ~blyth/.scm_monitor.cnf

srvnode = dayabay
dbpath = $LOCAL_BASE/env/scm/scm_backup_monitor.db
jspath = $APACHE_HTDOCS/data/scm_backup_monitor_%(node)s.json
select = svn/dybsvn tracs/dybsvn svn/dybaux tracs/dybaux
reporturl =

message = "query the cms02 hub backup on cms01, as I do not have access to the SDU one "
srvnode = cms02
dbpath = $LOCAL_BASE/env/scm/scm_backup_monitor.db
jspath = $HOME/local/nginx/html/data/scm_backup_monitor_%(node)s.json
select = repos/env tracs/env repos/aberdeen tracs/aberdeen repos/tracdev tracs/tracdev repos/heprez tracs/heprez
reporturl =

The ZZ = SDU in the HUB section of .libfab.cnf configures the node tags of remote nodes on which to look for tarballs, using the fabric python module to run commands over ssh:

[dayabay] /home/blyth/e > cat ~blyth/.libfab.cnf

G = Z9:229
C2 = C H1
WW = C

verbose = True
timeout = 2

Manual Testing

To manually test operation run the script as shown below:

mkdir -p /var/www/html/data    ## create output dir for json plot data if not already existing

## have to use local python to pickup needed modules : fabric, converter, ...

                 ## setup environment, eg APACHE_HTDOCS, LOCAL_BASE referred to in the config

export LOCAL_PYTHON=/home/blyth/local/python/Python-2.5.6



The running of the is done as part of the standard scm-backup-nightly function which can be invoked via a crontab line such as the below:

[root@cms02 env]# crontab -l
SHELL = /bin/bash
16 18 * * *  ( export HOME=/root ; export NODE=cms02 ; export ; export ENV_HOME=/home/blyth/env ; . /home/blyth/env/env.bash ; env-  ; scm-backup- ; scm-backup-nightly ) >  /var/scm/log/scm-backup-nightly-$(date +"\%a").log 2>&1

When adding a new node, the scm-backup-nightly needs updating to add the running of the monitor script.:

[root@cms02 env]# scm-backup-
[root@cms02 env]# t scm-backup-nightly
scm-backup-nightly is a function
scm-backup-nightly ()
    local msg="=== $FUNCNAME :";
    echo $msg $(date) @@@ scm-backup-checkscp;
    echo $msg $(date) @@@ scm-backup-all;
    echo $msg $(date) @@@ scm-backup-rsync ... performing transfers that i control;
    echo $msg $(date) @@@ scm-backup-parasitic ... monitoring transfers that i do not control... i just receive the tarballs;
    case $NODE_TAG in
        C2 | C2R)
            scm-backup-parasitic ZZ C
            echo $msg no parasitic monitoring is configured on NODE_TAG $NODE_TAG
    echo $msg $(date) @@@ scm-backup-monitor ... fabric remote tarball checking;
    case $NODE_TAG in
            scm-backup-monitor- G
        C2 | C2R)
            scm-backup-monitor- C2
            echo $msg scm-backup-monitor not yet implemented on $NODE_TAG
    echo $msg $(date) @@@ scm-backup-nightly ... completed;
[root@cms02 env]#

Improvement Ideas

The inclusion of inline RST status tables (indicating what caused problems) in the output means that the html must be updated after each monitoring run. This is done by scm-backup-monitor- and is a potential source of fragility as documentation is updated for the project. Prior to adding these RST tables it was not necessary to update the html every time as the plots are dynamically included by the javascript loading the json on page load. Possibly a javascript library for rendering tables might avoid the need to regenerate the html every time allowing the table content to be pulled in from static json files.

Somewhat conversly it is limiting that precisely the same plots are re-rendered for every client in the browser. It would be more efficient to render plots once when data is updated and have the clients simply load an image. Doing this in a manner that benefits from the javascript library code is non trivial. Google V8 Javascript engine tied with node.js for javascript on the server is a likely way this might be done in future.

For this to work smoothly needs effort from js library authors, basically it is porting the js to a non-standard browser that can live on the server.