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Chroma Prerequisites

Chroma Modeling of Sensitive Detectors


  1. How hits are handled in Chroma ?


GPU hit creation maybe a step too far, as stepping too close to areas of detector custom code.

  • perhaps just transport the OPs and hand back to G4 as about to hit sensitive detectors ?
  • OR creating hits (times and charges)

Look into the nature of G4/DetSim “hits”, how difficult to take it to that level ? Wherever the handover happens, the approach to material/solid identity on the mesh needs to be understood

Geant4/DetSim reminder

(gdb) b 'DsPmtSensDet::ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*)'
Breakpoint 2 at 0xb472d1f8: file ../src/, line 324.
  • works out the volume, determines QE, knarly QE diddling, hit creation

    • not impossible to duplicate,

    • BUT disadvantage is mixing detector specific diddling with OP acceleration

      • maybe split stage, to keep detector specifics separate
[blyth@cms01 src]$ pwd
[blyth@cms01 src]$ grep ProcessHits *.cc DsPmtSensDet::ProcessHits(G4Step* step,        error() << "ProcessHits: step has no or empty touchable history" << endreq; DsRpcSensDet::ProcessHits(G4Step* step,      error() << "ProcessHits: step has no or empty touchable history."
[blyth@cms01 src]$

DsPmtModel, associating PMT names to volumes:

04 #include "G4VFastSimulationModel.hh"
06 class G4LogicalVolume;
07 class G4Hooks;                  // opaque
09 class DsPmtModel : public G4VFastSimulationModel
10 {
11 public:
12     DsPmtModel(const G4String& name, G4Envelope* volume,
13                G4bool unique = false);
14     DsPmtModel(const G4String& name);
15     virtual ~DsPmtModel ();


103 class Solid(object):
104     """Solid object attaches materials, surfaces, and colors to each triangle
105     in a Mesh object."""
106     def __init__(self, mesh, material1=None, material2=None, surface=None, color=0x33ffffff):
107         self.mesh = mesh

/// collection of solids, maybe with a material flagged as a detector_material

261 class Geometry(object):
262     "Geometry object."
263     def __init__(self, detector_material=None):
264         self.detector_material = detector_material
265         self.solids = []
266         self.solid_rotations = []
267         self.solid_displacements = []
268         self.bvh = None


05 class Detector(Geometry):
06     '''A Detector is a subclass of Geometry that allows some Solids
07     to be marked as photon detectors, which we will suggestively call
08     "PMTs."  Each detector is imagined to be connected to an electronics
09     channel that records a hit time and charge.
11     Each PMT has two integers identifying it: a channel index and a
12     channel ID.  When all of the channels in the detector are stored
13     in a Numpy array, they will be stored in index order.  Channel
14     indices star from zero and have no gaps.  Channel ID numbers are
15     arbitrary integers that identify a PMT uniquely in a stable way.
16     They are written out to disk when using the Chroma ROOT format,
17     and are used when reading events back in to map channels back
18     into the correct array index.
20     For now, all the PMTs share a single set of time and charge
21     distributions.  In the future, this will be generalized to
22     allow per-channel distributions.
23     '''
25     def __init__(self, detector_material=None):
26         Geometry.__init__(self, detector_material=detector_material)
28         # Using numpy arrays here to allow for fancy indexing
29         self.solid_id_to_channel_index = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
30         self.channel_index_to_solid_id = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
32         self.channel_index_to_channel_id = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
34         # If the ID numbers are arbitrary, we can't treat them
35         # as array indices, so have to use a dictionary
36         self.channel_id_to_channel_index = {}
38         # zero time and unit charge distributions
39         self.time_cdf = (np.array([-0.01, 0.01]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]))
40         self.charge_cdf = (np.array([0.99, 1.00]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]))


14 class GPUDetector(GPUGeometry):
15     def __init__(self, detector, wavelengths=None, print_usage=False):
16         GPUGeometry.__init__(self, detector, wavelengths=wavelengths, print_usage=False)
17         self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu = \
18             ga.to_gpu(detector.solid_id_to_channel_index.astype(np.int32))
19         self.nchannels = detector.num_channels()
22         self.time_cdf_x_gpu = ga.to_gpu(detector.time_cdf[0].astype(np.float32))
23         self.time_cdf_y_gpu = ga.to_gpu(detector.time_cdf[1].astype(np.float32))
25         self.charge_cdf_x_gpu = ga.to_gpu(detector.charge_cdf[0].astype(np.float32))
26         self.charge_cdf_y_gpu = ga.to_gpu(detector.charge_cdf[1].astype(np.float32))
28         detector_source = get_cu_source('detector.h')
29         detector_struct_size = characterize.sizeof('Detector', detector_source)
30         self.detector_gpu = make_gpu_struct(detector_struct_size,
31                                             [self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu,
32                                              self.time_cdf_x_gpu,
33                                              self.time_cdf_y_gpu,
34                                              self.charge_cdf_x_gpu,
35                                              self.charge_cdf_y_gpu,
36                                              np.int32(self.nchannels),
37                                              np.int32(len(detector.time_cdf[0])),
38                                              np.int32(len(detector.charge_cdf[0])),
39                                              np.float32(detector.charge_cdf[0][-1] / 2**16)])

Crucial connection between solids and channels, handled in solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id]. This distinquishes sensitive solids (PMTs).:

simon:chroma blyth$ find . -name '*.*' -exec grep -H solid_id_to_channel_index {} \;
./cuda/      int channel_index = detector->solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id];
./cuda/      channel_index = detector->solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id];
./cuda/detector.h:    int *solid_id_to_channel_index;
./        self.solid_id_to_channel_index = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
./        self.solid_id_to_channel_index.resize(solid_id+1)
./        self.solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id] = -1 # solid maps to no channel
./        self.solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id] = channel_index
./gpu/        self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu = gpu_detector.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu
./gpu/        self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu = \
./gpu/            ga.to_gpu(detector.solid_id_to_channel_index.astype(np.int32))
./gpu/                                            [self.solid_id_to_channel_index_gpu,


60     def acquire(self, gpuphotons, rng_states, nthreads_per_block=64, max_blocks=1024, start_photon=None, nphotons=None, weight=1.0):
61         if start_photon is None:
62             start_photon = 0
63         if nphotons is None:
64             nphotons = len(gpuphotons.pos) - start_photon
66         if self.ndaq == 1:
67             for first_photon, photons_this_round, blocks in \
68                     chunk_iterator(nphotons, nthreads_per_block, max_blocks):
69                 self.gpu_funcs.run_daq(rng_states, np.uint32(0x1 << 2),
70                                        np.int32(start_photon+first_photon), np.int32(photons_this_round), gpuphotons.t,
71                                        gpuphotons.flags, gpuphotons.last_hit_triangles, gpuphotons.weights,
72                                        self.solid_id_map_gpu,
73                                        self.detector_gpu,
74                                        self.earliest_time_int_gpu,
75                                        self.channel_q_int_gpu, self.channel_history_gpu,
76                                        np.float32(weight),
77                                        block=(nthreads_per_block,1,1), grid=(blocks,1))


47 enum
48 {
49     NO_HIT           = 0x1 << 0,
50     BULK_ABSORB      = 0x1 << 1,
51     SURFACE_DETECT   = 0x1 << 2,
52     SURFACE_ABSORB   = 0x1 << 3,
53     RAYLEIGH_SCATTER = 0x1 << 4,
54     REFLECT_DIFFUSE  = 0x1 << 5,
55     REFLECT_SPECULAR = 0x1 << 6,
56     SURFACE_REEMIT   = 0x1 << 7,
57     SURFACE_TRANSMIT = 0x1 << 8,
58     BULK_REEMIT      = 0x1 << 9,
59     NAN_ABORT        = 0x1 << 31
60 }; // processes
In [16]: np.uint32(0x1 << 2)
Out[16]: 4


  • how do the sample_cdf compare with those from Geant4 ?


photon_id > triangle_id > solid_id > channel_index
35 __global__ void
36 run_daq(curandState *s, unsigned int detection_state,
37     int first_photon, int nphotons, float *photon_times,
38     unsigned int *photon_histories, int *last_hit_triangles,
39     float *weights,
40     int *solid_map,
41     Detector *detector,
42     unsigned int *earliest_time_int,
43     unsigned int *channel_q_int, unsigned int *channel_histories,
44     float global_weight)
45 {
47     int id = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
49     if (id < nphotons) {
50     curandState rng = s[id];
51     int photon_id = id + first_photon;
52     int triangle_id = last_hit_triangles[photon_id];
54     if (triangle_id > -1) {
55         int solid_id = solid_map[triangle_id];
56         unsigned int history = photon_histories[photon_id];
57         int channel_index = detector->solid_id_to_channel_index[solid_id];
59         if (channel_index >= 0 && (history & detection_state)) {                  // SURFACE_DETECT flagged in history
61         float weight = weights[photon_id] * global_weight;
62         if (curand_uniform(&rng) < weight) {
63             float time = photon_times[photon_id] +
64             sample_cdf(&rng, detector->time_cdf_len,
65                    detector->time_cdf_x, detector->time_cdf_y);
66             unsigned int time_int = float_to_sortable_int(time);
68             float charge = sample_cdf(&rng, detector->charge_cdf_len,
69                       detector->charge_cdf_x,
70                       detector->charge_cdf_y);
71             unsigned int charge_int = roundf(charge / detector->charge_unit);
73             atomicMin(earliest_time_int + channel_index, time_int);
74             atomicAdd(channel_q_int + channel_index, charge_int);
75             atomicOr(channel_histories + channel_index, history);
76         } // if weighted photon contributes
78         } // if photon detected by a channel
80     } // if photon terminated on surface
82     s[id] = rng;
84     }
86 }