Chroma Geant4 Interaction ========================== Objective ---------- * harness massively parallel processing to propagate large numbers of optical photons Open Questions ---------------- how/when to give OP tracks back to G4/reconstruction code ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maybe **DsOpGPUStackAction** #. collect OP into `fWaiting` stack (similar to DsOpStackAction) #. at `NewStage` * make **interesting-or-not judgement** * translate OP G4Tracks into numpy arrays ready for Chroma/GPU * perform OP cohort external propagation on GPU * where to stop GPU propagation ? defined SD volume ? * translate back from numpy arrays diddling the waiting G4Tracks [where/access?] * `NewStage` invokes a reclassify `stackManager->ReClassify();` giving access to all the tracks in the *ClassifyNewTrack* allowing diddling then like the photon reweighting of `G4ClassificationOfNewTrack DsFastMuonStackAction::ClassifyNewTrack (const G4Track* aTrack)` * resume the G4 tracks by returning as `fUrgent`, which should immediately proceed into sens det handling * how does SD/hit handover work /data/env/local/dyb/trunk/NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/Simulation/DetSim/src/ how does G4 OP propagation end ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ translation of DYB solid geomety into surface tris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ what about some magic *optransport* physics process ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NO, as need to deal with the OP as a cohort, not individually. Physics processes act on individual OP. OP collection and propagation, kicked off where ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `G4ClassificationOfNewTrack DsOpStackAction::ClassifyNewTrack (const G4Track* aTrack)` * assigns fWaiting status to OP, causing collection of OP tracks in the waiting stack * status is flipped to proceed with OP propagation only for events deemed to be interesting * the judgement and kick-off happens in `void DsOpStackAction::NewStage()` which is invoked when the `fUrgent` stack is empty (ie everything other than the waiting tracks have been tracked) and `fWaiting` stack has entries * a similar structure seems good for GPU propagation * collect all the OP to benefit from massive parallelisation G4UserTrackingAction ------------------------ * G4EventManager allows setting the G4UserTrackingAction on the G4TrackingManager:: [blyth@cms01 source]$ pwd /data/env/local/dyb/trunk/external/build/LCG/geant4.9.2.p01/source [blyth@cms01 source]$ vi event/src/ 308 void G4EventManager::SetUserAction(G4UserEventAction* userAction) 309 { 310 userEventAction = userAction; 311 if(userEventAction) userEventAction->SetEventManager(this); 312 } 313 314 void G4EventManager::SetUserAction(G4UserStackingAction* userAction) 315 { 316 userStackingAction = userAction; 317 trackContainer->SetUserStackingAction(userAction); 318 } 319 320 void G4EventManager::SetUserAction(G4UserTrackingAction* userAction) 321 { 322 userTrackingAction = userAction; 323 trackManager->SetUserAction(userAction); 324 } 325 326 void G4EventManager::SetUserAction(G4UserSteppingAction* userAction) 327 { 328 userSteppingAction = userAction; 329 trackManager->SetUserAction(userAction); 330 } The `G4UserTrackingAction::PreUserTrackingAction` is invoked at `G4TrackingManager::ProcessOneTrack(G4Track* apValueG4Track)` allowing track status changes, like kills:: 91 92 // Pre tracking user intervention process. 93 fpTrajectory = 0; 94 if( fpUserTrackingAction != NULL ) { 95 fpUserTrackingAction->PreUserTrackingAction(fpTrack); 96 } :: [blyth@cms01 source]$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H G4UserTrackingAction {} \; ./error_propagation/src/ const G4UserTrackingAction* fpUserTrackingAction = ./error_propagation/src/ const_cast(fpUserTrackingAction) ./error_propagation/src/ const G4UserTrackingAction* fpUserTrackingAction = ./error_propagation/src/ const_cast(fpUserTrackingAction) ./error_propagation/src/ G4ErrorPropagatorManager::SetUserAction(G4UserTrackingAction* userAction) ./error_propagation/src/ G4ErrorRunManagerHelper::SetUserAction(G4UserTrackingAction* userAction) ./event/src/ G4EventManager::SetUserAction(G4UserTrackingAction* userAction) ./tracking/src/ $Id:,v 1.10 2006/06/29 21:16:19 gunter Exp $ ./tracking/src/ ./tracking/src/ "G4UserTrackingAction.hh" ./tracking/src/ ./tracking/src/ msg = " You are instantiating G4UserTrackingAction BEFORE your\n"; ./tracking/src/ msg += "such as G4UserTrackingAction."; ./tracking/src/ G4Exception("G4UserTrackingAction::G4UserTrackingAction()", ./tracking/src/ ./tracking/src/ G4UserTrackingAction:: [blyth@cms01 source]$ pwd /data/env/local/dyb/trunk/external/build/LCG/geant4.9.2.p01/source :: [blyth@cms01 source]$ find . -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H PreUserTrackingAction {} \; ./visualization/management/src/ "\nin PreUserTrackingAction."); ./visualization/RayTracer/src/ G4RTTrackingAction :: PreUserTrackingAction(const G4Track*) ./error_propagation/src/ InvokePreUserTrackingAction( theG4Track ); ./error_propagation/src/ G4ErrorPropagator::InvokePreUserTrackingAction( G4Track* fpTrack ) ./error_propagation/src/ ->PreUserTrackingAction((fpTrack) ); ./tracking/src/ fpUserTrackingAction->PreUserTrackingAction(fpTrack); G4TrackStatus ---------------- :: track/include/G4Track.hh 174 // track status, flags for tracking 175 G4TrackStatus GetTrackStatus() const; 176 void SetTrackStatus(const G4TrackStatus aTrackStatus); Curious, more states accessible cf StackAction classification:: track/include/G4TrackStatus.hh 49 ////////////////// 50 enum G4TrackStatus 51 ////////////////// 52 { 53 54 fAlive, // Continue the tracking 55 fStopButAlive, // Invoke active rest physics processes and 56 // and kill the current track afterward 57 fStopAndKill, // Kill the current track 58 59 fKillTrackAndSecondaries, 60 // Kill the current track and also associated 61 // secondaries. 62 fSuspend, // Suspend the current track 63 fPostponeToNextEvent 64 // Postpones the tracking of thecurrent track 65 // to the next event. 66 67 }; Boost python C++ `_g4chroma` ----------------------------- * `src/` control G4 stdout * `src/G4chroma.hh` * `src/` One-by-one collection and G4 `fStopAndKill` of optical photons. Boost python module `_g4chroma` implementation in C++ providing a G4UserTrackingAction *PhotonTrackingAction* that collects opticalphotons and provides accessors to them, and snuffs them out with *fStopAndKill* :: 105 void PhotonTrackingAction::PreUserTrackingAction(const G4Track *track) 106 { 107 G4ParticleDefinition *particle = track->GetDefinition(); 108 if (particle->GetParticleName() == "opticalphoton") { 109 pos.push_back(track->GetPosition()/mm); 110 dir.push_back(track->GetMomentumDirection()); 111 pol.push_back(track->GetPolarization()); 112 wavelength.push_back( (h_Planck * c_light / track->GetKineticEnergy()) / nanometer ); 113 t0.push_back(track->GetGlobalTime() / ns); 114 const_cast(track)->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); 115 } 116 } :: simon:chroma blyth$ find . -name '*.*' -exec grep -H _g4chroma {} \; ./chroma/generator/ chroma.generator import _g4chroma ./chroma/generator/ self.physics_list = _g4chroma.ChromaPhysicsList() ./chroma/generator/ self.tracking_action = _g4chroma.PhotonTrackingAction() ./ Extension('chroma.generator._g4chroma', ./src/ geometry from CUDA photon propagation, in `photon.h`:: 584 __device__ int 585 propagate_at_surface(Photon &p, State &s, curandState &rng, Geometry *geometry, 586 bool use_weights=false) 587 { 588 Surface *surface = geometry->surfaces[s.surface_index]; 589 590 if (surface->model == SURFACE_COMPLEX) 591 return propagate_complex(p, s, rng, surface, use_weights); 592 else if (surface->model == SURFACE_WLS) 593 return propagate_at_wls(p, s, rng, surface, use_weights); 594 else { 595 // use default surface model: do a combination of specular and 596 // diffuse reflection, detection, and absorption based on relative 597 // probabilties 598 599 // since the surface properties are interpolated linearly, we are 600 // guaranteed that they still sum to 1.0. 601 float detect = interp_property(surface, p.wavelength, surface->detect); 602 float absorb = interp_property(surface, p.wavelength, surface->absorb); 603 float reflect_diffuse = interp_property(surface, p.wavelength, surface->reflect_diffuse); 604 float reflect_specular = interp_property(surface, p.wavelength, surface->reflect_specular); 605 606 float uniform_sample = curand_uniform(&rng); :: simon:cuda blyth$ grep __shared__ *.* __shared__ unsigned long long min_area[128]; __shared__ unsigned long long adjacent_area; __shared__ int photon_id; __shared__ int triangle_id; __shared__ int solid_id; __shared__ int channel_index; __shared__ unsigned int history; __shared__ float photon_time; __shared__ float weight; mesh.h: __shared__ Geometry sg; __shared__ float distance_table[1000]; __shared__ unsigned int *work_queue; __shared__ int queue_items; __shared__ int channel_id; __shared__ float channel_event_time; __shared__ int distance_table_len; __shared__ int offset; __shared__ unsigned int counter; __shared__ Geometry sg; __shared__ Geometry sg; simon:cuda blyth$ :: simon:cuda blyth$ grep sync *.* __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); mesh.h: __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); __syncthreads(); simon:cuda blyth$