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env scm-backup

  1. move to full nodename for /var/scm/backup/NODENAME (otherwise ‘’‘dayabay’‘’ clashes for Jimmy)
  2. make tarball DNA mismatches get reported more loudly (maybe adopt into the fabric way of doing things)

slow trac due to backups

  1. record backup time and rsync time, and make those graphically accessible : suspect slow Trac performance at ~13:30 is due to backups hogging CPU
[dayabay] /home/blyth > ps aux | grep scm ; date
root     11461  0.0  0.0  3280  848 ?        Ss   12:00   0:00 /bin/bash -c /home/scm/etc/scm_backup.cron > /home/scm/log/scm-backup-nightly-$(date +"%d").log 2>&1
root     11463  0.0  0.0  5288 3148 ?        S    12:00   0:00 /bin/bash /home/scm/etc/scm_backup.cron
root     15386 22.2  0.0  3908 1708 ?        S    12:39  11:00 rsync -e ssh --delete-after --stats -razvt /home/scm/backup/dayabay SDU:/raid4/dybsdu/dybbackup/var/scm/backup/
root     15387  6.2  0.0  7264 4688 ?        S    12:39   3:07 ssh SDU rsync --server -vlogDtprz --delete --delete-after . /raid4/dybsdu/dybbackup/var/scm/backup/
blyth    16179  0.0  0.0  4692  584 pts/1    S+   13:28   0:00 grep scm
Fri Nov 30 13:28:52 CST 2012

[dayabay] /home/blyth > ps aux | grep scm ; date
blyth    16375  0.0  0.0  4752  572 pts/1    S+   13:31   0:00 grep scm
Fri Nov 30 13:31:42 CST 2012

The backup looks to have taked 40 min and rsync 50min

Repository Migration to shared services ?

  • investigate how difficult to migrate Trac+SVN+TracWiki into git+github+Sphinx

    • especially needed for NTU hosted env, tracdev, heprez as need long term home that will survive me
    • aberdeen repository is fat : and cannot be open source ?

Alternatives to Git + Github