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781 Document List by Author -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3692
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?authorid=56
782 DYBEng-doc-121-v1: test for uploading files -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 7196
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=121
783 DYBEng-doc-123-v1: MUON SYSTEM PMT ASSEMBLY -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 6274
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=123
784 DYBEng-doc-129-v1: Corner No. 3 (Floor) Assembly -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 6689
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=129
785 Document List by Author -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3685
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?authorid=74
786 Documents from Last 30 Days -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3298
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?days=30
787 DYB Engineering Document Database -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 5820
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/DocumentDatabase
788 Document List by Topic -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3918
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?topicid=28
789 DYBEng-doc-152-v2: HALL 3 PMT SUPPORT ASSEMBLY -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 6615
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=152
790 Document List by Topic -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 5258
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?topicid=29
791 Document List by Author -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 4717
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?authorid=45
792 Document List by Author -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3657
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?authorid=8
793 DYBEng-doc-180-v1: winch details -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 6386
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=180
794 DYBEng-doc-182-v1: Cover system section -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 6524
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=182
795 Document List by Author -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 4242
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?authorid=2
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