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736 Document List by Author -- rank: 241
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Document Size: 6359
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?authorid=31
737 DYBEng-doc-236-v1: 地下双电源统计 -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 6743
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=236
738 Document List by Topic -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 13685
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?topicid=59
739 DYBEng-doc-237-v9: handrails for AD lid in EH -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 10057
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=237
740 Document List by Topic -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3606
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?topicid=23
741 Document List by Topic -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 11314
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?topicid=72
742 Document List by Topic -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 8357
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?topicid=12
743 DYBEng-doc-241-v7: Muon Pool Cover - EH1 & EH2 Floor Anchors Layout -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 8216
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=241
744 Document List by Topic -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 4504
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?topicid=33
745 Document List by Author -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3870
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?authorid=71
746 DYBEng-doc-246-v1: RPC system report -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 6529
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=246
747 Document List by Topic -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3687
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?topicid=26
748 Document List by Author -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3686
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?authorid=27
749 DYBEng-doc-250-v1: Drawings for 3m IAV's #7 and 8 -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 7328
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ShowDocument?docid=250
750 Document List by Author -- rank: 152
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Document Size: 3692
Document Path: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/cgi-bin/EngDB/ListBy?authorid=73
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